Volleyball matches consist of 3 or 5 sets. A match is played until one of the teams wins 3 sets. There are no time limitations for sets, each set is played until one of the teams scores 25 points. In case the team doesn’t win by two points (25։24) by that time, the play continues until one team wins by two points. The handicap and total for a volleyball match are specified in points.
Result: it is offered to predict which team will be the match winner. The following bet options are available:
Win 1: victory of team 1
Win 2: victory of team 2
Handicap: handicap is the advantage or disadvantage in points, which is attributed to the team. The team, on which the bet is made, must be the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are performed.
Positive Handicap: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner after the advantage of points, the number of which is defined as the handicap argument, is added to the team’s final score.
For example:
The bet Handicap 2 (20.5). The bet is placed on team 2 and (20.5) is the handicap argument here. For this bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner of the match after we add the advantage of 20.5 points to its final score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The match ended with the score 78:60 (1-st set: 25:13; 2-nd set: 25:21, 3-rd set: 28:26). When we add the advantage of 20.5 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 78:80.5. In this case, the bet is won, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is the winner.
The match ended with the score 78:52 (1-st set: 25:13; 2-nd set 25:13, 3-rd set: 28:26). When we add the advantage of 20.5 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 78:72.5. In this case, the bet is lost, as the adjustment handicap advantage, team 2 is not the winner.
Negative Handicap: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner after the number of points defined by the value of handicap argument is subtracted from the team’s final score.
For example:
The bet Handicap 1(-20.5). The bet is placed for team 1, and “-20.5” is the handicap argument. For the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match after we subtract 20.5 points from its final score. Let us review outcomes of this bet:
The match ended with the score: 75-45 (1-st set: 25:13; 2-nd set: 25:19, 3-rd set: 25:13). When we subtract 20.5 points from the score of team 1, the score becomes 54.5:45. In this case, the bet is won, as after the handicap adjustment team 1 is still the winner of the match.
The match ended with the score: 75-64 (1-st set: 25:22, 2-nd set: 25-23, 3-rd set 25-19). When we subtract 20.5 points from the score of team 1, the score becomes 54.5-64. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the handicap adjustment team 1 is not the winner of the match any more.
Total: it is offered to predict if the number of scored points will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
Total Over: the number of scored points will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total Under: the number of scored points will be lower than the selected value of bet
For example:
The bet Total over (182.5). For the bet to be calculated as won, the total number of points scored in the match must be higher than 182.5.
Total sets: it is offered to predict if the total number of played sets will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following bet options are available:
Total sets: over – the total number of played sets will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total sets: under – the total number of played sets will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
For example:
The bet Total sets: over (3.5). For the bet to be calculated as won, the total number of sets played in the match must be at least 4.
Total Odd/Even: it is offered to predict if the total number of scored points will be even or odd.
For example:
The bet Total odd/even: odd. For the bet to be calculated as won, the number of scored points must be odd (e.g. 181, 183, 185 etc).
Set winner: it is offered to predict the winner of the set. The following betting options are available.
Win 1: the set will be won by team 1
Win 2: the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set winner: win 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win in the 2-nd set.
Win from behind after 0:2 or 2:0: it is offered to predict if any team will manage to win the match after having lost in the first 2 sets (the score 0:2 or 2:0).
Win from behind after 0:2 or 2:0 Yes: one of the teams will manage to win the match after having lost in the first 2 sets
Win from behind after 0:2 or 2:0 No: one of the teams will not manage to win the match after having lost in the first 2 sets
Correct score: it is offered to predict the exact score with which the match will end.
For example:
The bet Correct score: 2:3.For the bet to be calculated as won, the match must end with the score 2:3.
Total highest scoring set: it is offered to predict if the total number of points scored in the highest scoring set (the set in which, the highest number of points was scored) will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
Total Highest Scoring set: over – the total number of points scored in the highest scoring set will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total Highest Scoring set: under – the total number of points scored in the highest scoring set will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
Total lowest scoring set: it is offered to predict if the total number of points scored in the lowest scoring set (the set in which, the lowest number of points was scored) will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
Total lowest scoring set: over-the total number of points scored in the lowest scoring set will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total lowest scoring set: under -the total number of points scored in the lowest scoring set will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
Total blocks: it is offered to predict if the number of blocks performed by the team will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. A block in volleyball is a defensive playing action at the net. A block can be performed by one or several players, who jump near the net in front of an opposing attacker in order to prevent the ball from entering their side of the court. The following betting options are available:
Total blocks: over – the number of blocks performed by the team will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total blocks: under – the number of blocks performed by the team will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
For example:
The bet Team 1: total blocks over (20). For the bet to be calculated as won, the total number of blocks performed by team 1 must be over 20.
Total Aces in the match: it is offered to predict if the number of aces performed by the team will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. An ace in volleyball occurs when the player servers the ball and the opposing team is unable to pass it and the ball hits the ground. The following betting options are available:
Total Aces: over – the number of aces performed by the team will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total Aces: under – the number of aces performed by the team will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
For example:
The bet Team 2: total aces under (10). For the bet to be calculated as won, the total number of aces performed by team 2 must be under 10.
Total Serving errors: it is offered to predict if the number of serving faults performed by the team will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
Total Serving errors: over – the number of serving faults performed by the team will be higher than the selected value of bet argument
Total Serving errors: under – the number of serving faults performed by the team will be lower than the selected value of bet argument
For example:
The bet Total Team 1 Serve Fails: under (10). For the bet to be calculated as won, the total number of serving faults performed by team 1 must be under 10.
Set: Winning margin: it is offered to predict the difference in points with which the team will win the set.
For example:
The bet 2-nd set Winning margin from 5-7: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must be the winner of the 2-nd set and difference in points must be from 5 to 7.
1-st time out: it is offered to predict which team will require the first time-out. The following betting options are available:
1-st time out: team 1 – the first time out will be required by team 1
1-st time out: team 2 – the first time out will be required by team 2
Set: Race to 5 points: it is offered to predict which team will score 5 points the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
Set: Race to 5 points: team 1 – team 1 will score 5 points the first in the set
Set: Race to 5 points: team 2 – team 2 will score 5 points the first in the set
For example:
The bet 2-nd set Race to 5 points: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 2-nd set team 1 must score 5 points the first.
Set: Race to 10 points: it is offered to predict which team will score 10 points the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
Set: Race to 10 points: team 1 – team 1 will score 10 points the first in the set
Set: Race to 10 points: team 2 – team 2 will score 10 points the first in the set
For example:
The bet 2-nd set Race to 10 points: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 2-nd set team 1 must score 10 points the first.
Set: Race to 15 points: it is offered to predict which team will score 15 points the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
Set: Race to 15 points: team 1 – team 1 will score 15 points the first in the set
Set: Race to 15 points: team 2 – team 2 will score 15 points the first in the set
For example:
The bet 3-rd set Race to 15 points: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 3-rd set, team 1 must score 15 points the first.
Set: Race to 20 points: it is offered to predict which team will score 20 points the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
Set: Race to 20 points: team 1 – team 1 will score 20 points the first in the set
Set: Race to 20 points: team 2 – team 2 will score 20 points the first in the set
For example:
The bet 3-rd set Race to 20 points: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 3-rd set, team 1 must score 20 points the first.
Set: Race to 25 points: it is offered to predict which team will score 25 points the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
Set: Race to 25 points: team 1 – team 1 will score 25 points the first in the set
Set: Race to 25 points: team 2 – team 2 will score 25 points the first in the set
For example:
The bet 1-st set Race to 25 points: team 2. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 1-st set, team 2 must score 25 points the first.
Set:extra score: it is offered to predict if the extra score will be fixed during the set. Extra score is the points scored If the team does not win by two points (24:24) by that time, and the play continuous until one of the teams win by two points. The following betting options are available:
Set: extra score: yes – extra score will be fixed during the set
Set: extra score: no – extra score will not be fixed during the set
5-th point: it is offered to predict which team will win the 5-th point in the set. The following betting options are available:
5-th point: team 1 – the 5-th point in the set will be won by team 1
5-th point: team 2 – the 5-th point in the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set 5-th point: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win the 5-th point in the 2-nd set.
10-th point: it is offered to predict which team will win the 10-th point in the set. The following betting options are available:
10-th point: team 1 – the 10-th point in the set will be won by team 1
10-th point: team 2 – the 10-th point in the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set 10-th point: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win the 10-th point in the 2-nd set.
15-th point: it is offered to predict which team will win the 15-th point in the set. The following betting options are available:
15-th point: team 1 – the 15-th point in the set will be won by team 1
15-th point: team 2 – the 15-th point in the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set 15-th point: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win the 15-th point in the 2-nd set.
20-th point: it is offered to predict which team will win the 20-th point in the set. The following betting options are available:
20-th point: team 1 – the 20-th point in the set will be won by team 1
20-th point: team 2 – the 20-th point in the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set 20-th point: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win the 20-th point in the 2-nd set.
25-th point: it is offered to predict which team will win the 25-th point in the set. The following betting options are available:
25-th point: team 1 – the 25-th point in the set will be won by team 1
25-th point: team 2 – the 25-th point in the set will be won by team 2
For example:
The bet 2-nd set 25-th point: team 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, team 1 must win the 25-th point in the 2-nd set.
Score after 4-th set: it is offered to predict the score of the match after 4 sets are played.
For example:
The bet Score after 4-th set: 1:3. For the bet to be calculated as won, the score after 4 sets are played must be 1:3.
Score after 3-rd set: it is offered to predict the score of the match after 3 sets are played.
For example:
The bet Score after 3-rd set: 2:1. For the bet to be calculated as won, the score after 3 sets are played must be 2:1.
Score after 2-nd set: it is offered to predict the score of the match after 2 sets are played.
For example:
The bet Score after 2-nd set: 2:0. For the bet to be calculated as won, the score after 2 sets are played must be 2:0.
5-th set in match: it is offered to predict if the 5-th set will be played in the match. The 5-th set is played in case of 2:2 score. It continuous until one of the teams scores 15 points with minimum advantage of two points (15-13). In case of 15:14 score teams play until one of them gets a 2 points advantage over the opponent. The following betting options are available:
5-th set in match: yes – the 5-th set will be played
5-th set in match: no – the 5-th set will not be played
First serve: it is offered to predict which team will performed the first serve in match. The following betting options are available:
First serve: team 1 – the first serve will be performed by team 1
First serve: team 2 – the first serve will be performed by team 2
Match will be won by block: it is offered to predict if the match winner will be defined by a block. A block in volleyball is a defensive playing action at the net. A block can be performed by one or several players, who jump near the net in front of an opposing attacker in order to prevent the ball from entering their side of the court. The following betting options are available:
Match will be won by block: yes – the winner of the match will be defined by block
Match will be won by block: no – the winner of the match will be defined not by block
Match will be won by ace: it is offered to predict if the match will be defined by an ace. An ace in volleyball occurs when the player servers the ball and the opposing team is unable to pass it and the ball hits the ground. The following betting options are available:
Match will be won by ace: yes – the winner of the match will be defined by ace
Match will be won by ace: no – the winner of the match will be defined by ace
Who will win point: it is offered to predict which team will win the particular point.
For example The bet 3-rd set Who will win point: Team 1 (43). For the bet to be won the 43-rd point must be scored by team 1. Let us suppose that the current score of the set is 19-23, which means that 42 (19+23) points were played out. For the bet to be won, the score must turn into 20-23, in other words team 1 must win the 43-rd point.
First video challenge: it is offered to predict which team will demand video challenge the first. The following betting options are available:
First video challenge: team 1 – the first video challenge will be demanded by team 1
First video challenge: team 2 – the first video challenge will be demanded by team 2
Last updated