
Basebet is continuously evolving, with new features and upgrades planned for the future.

Here's a look at what we've accomplished and what's coming next:

Current Progress:

Future Features & Product Launches:

  • Unique In-House Games: We are developing new in-house games with innovative mechanics to set us apart from competitors.

  • NFT Utility Expansion: New ways to use Gatos NFTs, including exclusive tournaments, boosted rewards, and access to premium features.

  • Enhanced VIP and Loyalty Systems: Expanding the benefits for top-tier players, including personalized bonuses, higher cashback, and exclusive promotions.

  • Basebet Wallet: Launching our own Basebet Wallet for seamless transactions and token management.

  • New Token Utilities: Additional uses for the $BBT token, including governance over new product releases, betting incentives, and more.

Last updated