Bets on football matches are accepted for regular time unless something else is specified by the organizer in the Line. Results recorded in the extra-time and penalties are not taken into account when calculating bets on outcomes proposed for regular time. The time compensated by the referee is attributed to the corresponding half-time or regular time of the match. The regular time for football matches is set to 90 minutes (two halves of 45 minutes each). The matches can be also held in the following formats: 2ร10 (2 halves of 10 minutes each) and 2ร12 (2 halves of 12 minutes each). In case of football matches with a different format, a special mark appears in the Line showing the match format. The format of the game may also change during the match. In such cases, there is a special beforehand made mark in the Program (Line) on the possible change of the game format made by the Organizer.
Result: it is offered to predict, which team will be the match winner. The following betting options are available:
Win 1: victory of team 1.
Win 2: victory of team 2.
X: the match ends in a draw.
Double chance: it is offered to predict two match outcomes simultaneously, and if one of the outcomes is predicted correctly, the bet will be calculated as won. The following betting options are available:
1X: the match ends with either team 1 victory or a draw.
12: the match ends with victory of either team 1 or team 2.
X2: the match ends with either victory of team 2 or a draw.
For example:
If the match ends with the score 2:2, then the bets 1X and X2 will be won, and the bet 12 will be lost.
Draw no bet: It is offered to predict one of the teamsโ victory; however, if match ends in a draw, the bet will be refunded. The following betting options are available:
Team 1: the match ends with team 1 victory. In case of draw, the bet will be refunded.
Team 2: the match ends with team 2 victory. In case of draw, the bet will be refunded.
Total: it is offered to predict if the total number of scored goals will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available.
Total over: the number of goals must exceed the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of goals and value the bet argument coincide, the bet is refunded.
For example:
The bet: total over (3). In this bet, โ3โ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in the match must be over 3. In case the total number of goals equals to 3, the bet will be refunded.
Total under: the number of goals must be lower than the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of goals and value the bet argument coincide, the bet will be refunded.
For example:
The bet: total under (3). In this bet, โ3โ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in the match must be lower than 3. In case the total number of goals equals to 3, the bet will be refunded.
Three-way total: it is offered to predict the number of goals scored in the match. The following betting options are available: Total over: the number of scored goals must exceed the selected value of bet argument. For example The bet: total over (3). In this bet, โ3โ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in the match must be over 3. Total equals: the number of scored goals must equal to the selected value of bet argument. For example Total equals (3): In this bet, โ3โ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in the match must be 3. Total under: the number of scored goals must be lower than the selected value of bet argument. For example the bet: total under (3). In this bet, โ3โ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in the match must be lower than 3.
First action in Next 5 Min: it is offered to predict which action will be performed the first in the match during the specified 5-minute period. The following betting options are offered:
Free Kick
Goal Kick
Corner kick
Penalty Awarded
No set Piece
The player made the bet First Action in Next 5 Min: Corner (15:00-19:59). For the bet to be calculated as won, starting from the 15-th minute 00 second and till 19-th minute 59-th second a corner kick must take place the first in the mentioned period of the match.
*Note: on the website, this market is offered in a separate Fast Markets tab (like the tabs for 1-st half, 2-nd half, corners, etc.
Next Minute: it is offered to predict that a certain action will be performed (not performed) during the spesified one minute period. The following betting options are offered:
Goal: yes/no
Corner kick: yes/no
Goal kick: yes/no
Free kick: yes/no
Throw in: yes/no
Card: yes/no
Penalty awarded: yes/no
The player made the bet Next Minute: Goal Yes (02:00 โ 02:59). For the bet to be calculated as won, starting from the 2-nd minute 00 second and until 2-nd minute 59-th second a goal must be performed in the match.
*Note: on the website, this market is offered in a separate Fast Markets tab (like the tabs for 1-st half, 2-nd half, corners, etc.
First half or match: it is offered to predict team victory in either the first half or full time of the match. The following betting options are available:
Win 1: team 1 must win either in the first half or in the full time of the match.
ะฅ: either first half or full time of the match must end in a draw.
Win 2: team 2 must win either in first half or in full time of the match.
For example:
If the first half of the match ends with the score 1:2, and the whole match ends with the score 3:2, then the bets for Win 1 and Win 2 will be calculated as won, and the bet for X will be lost.
Team to score: it is offered to place bet on whether teams will score goals in match or not. The following betting options are available:
Team 1 to score:
Yes: team 1 must score at least one goal in the match.
No: team 1 must score no goals in the match.
Team 2 to score:
Yes: team 2 must score at least one goal in the match.
No: team 2 must score no goals in the match.
Both Teams to score:
Yes: each team must score at least one goal in the match.
No: either one team must not score a goal or none of the teams must score.
Only One Team to score:
Yes: only one of the teams must score goals in the match.
No: either two teams must score goals or none of the teams must score.
Full time result and total: It is offered to place bet on match result and the total number of the goals simultaneously. For such bet to be won, both match result and match total must be predicted correctly.
For example:
The bet: Win 1 and Over (1.5). For the bet to be won, team 1 must win the match, and the total number of goals must be over 1.5. If one part of the bet is not predicted correctly, the bet will be calculated as lost.
First goal: it is offered to predict which team will score the first goal. The following markets are available:
1 to score: the first goal must be scored by team 1.
2 to score: the first goal must be scored by team 2.
No goal: none of the teams must score a goal in the match.
Total Goals: It is offered to predict the total number of goals scored in the match.
Result in the specified time range: it is offered to predict the outcome of the match in the specified time range. For this bet type, the result, which was fixed before the start of the specified time range, is not included in the calculation.
For example:
The bet: Win 1:16-30 min. For the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match in the specified time range. Note that the result, which was fixed before the start of the specified time range is not included in the calculation.
Let us suppose that by the 16-th minute the match score was 0-0, and on the 27-th minute, team 1 scores a goal. In this case, the bet is won.
Now, let us suppose by the 16-th minute the score was 2-0 (the goals were scored in the 10-th and 14-th minutes), and from the 16-th to 30-th minute, no goals were scored. In this case, the bet is lost, as the result scored before the 16-th minute is not included in the calculation.
Total in the specified time range: it is offered to predict if the total number of scored goals will be over or under the selected value of bet argument in the specified time range. For this bet type, the goals, which were scored before the start of the specified time range, are not included in the calculation.
For example:
The bet: Total from 16-30 minute over (0.5). For the bet to be won, the total number of goals scored in this particular time range (from the16-th minutes until 30-th minute) must be over 0.5. However, the result, which was fixed before the 16-th minute is not included in the calculation.
Let us suppose that the score by the 16-th minute was 0-0, and on the 20-th minute, the score becomes 0-1. In this case, the bet is won.
Now, Let us suppose that the score by the 16-th minute was 0-1 (the goal was scored on the 4-th minute). From the 16-th to 30-th minute no goals were scored. In this case, the bet is lost, as the goal took place before the specified period.
Goal in the specified time range: it is offered to predict if a goal will be (will not be) scored in the specified time range.
For example:
The bet: Goal from 60-70 min.: yes โ for the bet to be calculated as won , in the period from 60-th until 70-th minute a goal should be scored in the match (the goals scored before or after the specified time range are not considered during the calculation).
Important! While defining the exact time for the calculation of such bets, seconds are not taken into account, e.g., if the time of the goal registration is 70-th minute 07-th second, it is considered 71-th minute. As well as, 11-th minute 0 second is considered 12-th minute.
Handicap: handicap is the advantage or disadvantage in goals/corners/, which is attributed to a team. The team, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are performed.
Positive: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner of the match after the advantage of goals, the number of which is defined as the handicap argument, is added to the teamโs final score.
For example:
The bet: Handicap 2 (2). The bet is placed on team 2, and โ2โ is the handicap argument. For this bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner of the match after we add the advantage of 2 goals to its final score.Let us review three possible outcomes of this bet:
The match ended with the score 2:1. When we add the advantage of 2 goals to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 2:3. In this case, the bet is won, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is the winner of the match.
The match ended with the score 3:0. When we add the advantage of 2 goals to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 3:2. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is not the winner of the match.
The match ended with the score 2:0. When we add the advantage of 2 goals to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 2:2. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the adjustment of the handicap advantage, the score becomes a draw.
Negative: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner of the match after the number of goals defined by the value of handicap argument is subtracted from the teamโs final score.
For example:
The bet: handicap 1(-2): The bet is placed for team 1, and โ-2โ is the handicap argument. For the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match after we subtract 2 goals from its final score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The match ended with the score 4:1. When we subtract 2 goals from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 2:1. In this case, the bet is won, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is still the winner of the match.
The match ended with the score 2:1. When we subtract 2 goals from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 0:1. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is not the winner of the match any more.
The match ended with the score 4:2. When we subtract 2 goals from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 2:2. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the handicap adjustments, the score becomes a draw.
Asian (double) handicap: in this bet type, the value of handicap argument is the number, which is the multiple of 0.25 (which means that it can be divided by 0.25 without a remainder). For example, 0.25; 1.25; 1.75 etc. When you place Asian Handicap bet, your bet amount is automatically divided into two equal bets with the same odds, however, with two different bet arguments. Here, the argument of one bet will be the number, which is received, when we add 0.25 to the general argument value. The argument of the other bet will be the number, which is received after we subtract 0.25 from the argument value.
For example:
The bet is Handicap 2 (1.75) with the odds 3. The bet is placed for team 2, and โ1.75โ is the bet argument here. Let us suppose that the bet amount was 100; it means that the bet is divided into two bets:
Handicap 2 (1.5), with the bet amount 50 and the odds 3(the bet argument here: 1.75-0.25)
Handicap 2 (2), with the bet amount 50 and the odds 3(the bet argument here 1.75+0.25)
Therefore, we received two ordinary handicap bets, and the calculation will be performed on the outcomes of these two bets. Let us now review the possible calculation options of this bet:
The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is completely won. It means that two bets: Handicap 2 (1.5) and Handicap 2 (2) will be won. In order to calculate winning amount, the general bet amount is multiplied by the bet odd. The bet amount is 100, and the odd is 3. Therefore, the won amount is 100ร3=300.
The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is completely lost. It means that two bets: Handicap 2 (1.5) and Handicap 2 (2) will be lost. For instance, with the score 3:0, both bets will be lost.
The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is partially lost and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets will be lost, and the other one will be refunded. For instance, with the score 2:0, the bet Handicap 2(2) will be refunded and the bet Handicap 2 (1.5) will be lost. In this case, the refunded amount will be equal to the half of general bet amount. The general bet amount is 100, so the refunded amount will be 50.
Now, let us review For example of Asian handicap bet, which is calculated as partially won and partially refunded:
The bet is Handicap 2 (0.25) with the odd 2, the bet amount is 200. The bet is placed for team 2 and โ0.25โ is the bet argument. It means that the bet is divided into two bets:
Handicap 2 (0.5),with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2 (the bet argument here: 0.25+0.25)
Handicap 2(0),with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2 (the bet argument here: 0.25-0.25)
Let us suppose that the match ended with the score 0-0. Then, this bet will be calculated as partially won and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets is settled as won, and the other as refunded. In this case, the bet: Handicap 2 (0.5) will be settled as won, and the bet Handicap 2 (0) will be settled as refunded. The winning amount is calculated according to the following formula:
bet amount ร (odds+1)รท2
Thus, if we calculate the win amount, it will be 200 ร (2+1)รท2=300.
Asian (double) total: in this type of bet for total, the value of bet argument is the number, which is the multiple of 0.25 (which means that it can be divided by 0.25 without a remainder). For example, 0.25; 1.25; 1.75 etc. When you place Asian Total bet, your bet amount is automatically divided into two equal bets with the same odd, however with two different total arguments. Here, the argument of one bet will be the number, which is received, after we add 0.25 to the argument value. The argument of the other bet will be the number, which is received after we subtract 0.25 from the argument value.
For example:
The bet: Total over (0.75) with the odds 2.5. Here โ0.75โ is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the bet amount was 200. Therefore, we receive two ordinary bets on total:
Total over (1) with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2.5 (the bet argument here is 0.75+0.25)
Total over (0.5) with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2.5 (the bet argument here is 0.75-0.25)
Therefore, we received two ordinary total bets, and the calculation will be performed on the outcomes of these two bets. Let us review the possible calculation options of this bet:
The bet total over (0.75) is completely won. It means that two bets: Total over (1) and Total over (0.5) must be settled as won. For instance, in case of the match score: 1:1, both bets will be settled as won. In order to calculate winning amount, the general Asian bet amount is multiplied by the betโs odds. In this case, 200 ร 2.5=500.
The bet total over (0.75) is completely lost. It means that two bets: Total over (1) and Total over (0.5) must be settled as lost. For instance, in case of the match score 0:0, both bets will be settled as lost. In this case, the player loses the bet amount.
The bet total over (0.75) is partially won and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets must be settled as won and the other as refunded.For instance, in case of match score 1-0, the bet: Total over (0.5) will be settled as won and the bet: Total over (1) will be settled as refunded. The winning amount here is calculated according to the following formula:
bet amount ร (odds+1)รท2
Thus, if we calculate the bet amount, it will be 200 ร (2.5+1) รท2=350.
Now let us review For example of Asian total, which will be calculated as partially lost and partially refunded.
The bet:total under (1.75) with the odds 1.5. Here โ1.75โ is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the bet amount is 300. Therefore, we receive two ordinary bets on total:
Total under (2) with the bet amount of 150 and the odds 1.5 (the bet argument here is 1.75+0.25)
Total under (1.5) with the bet amount of 150 and the odds 1.5 (the bet argument here is 1.75-0.25)
Let us suppose that the match ended with the score 2:0. Then, this bet will be calculated as partially lost and partially refunded. In this case, the bet: Total under (1.5) will be settled as lost, and the bet: Total under (2) will be settled as refunded. In this case, the user will be refunded half of the general bet amount. The general bet amount was 300, so the refunded amount will be 150.
Double: It is offered to predict if the same player will score two goals in match.
Hat-trick: it is offered to predict if the same player will score three times in the opponentโs goal in match.
Poker: it is offered to predict if the same payer will score four goals in match.
European (score) handicap: the bet for European handicap presupposes that two teams will be given a certain advantage of scores before the start of the game. The following betting options are available:
Win 1: team 1 must turn the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are made.
X: the score must must be tied after the handicap adjustments are made.
Win 2: team 2 must turn the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are made.
For example:
Win 1: European handicap (2:1). It means that we must add two points to the result of team 1 and we must add one point to the final result of team 2. For the bet to be won, after the performed adjustments, team 1 must be the winner of the match.
Let us suppose, that the match ended with the score 4:3, when we adjust the handicap points the score becomes 6:4. Thus, the bet is won, as after we adjusted the handicap points, team 1 is the winner of the match.
Correct score: It is offered to predict the exact score, with which the main time of match will end.
Even/Odd: it is offered to predict if the total number of predefined value (e.g. goals, points, corners, rebounds, penalty minutes, etc.) will be an even or an odd number.
Kick-off: It is offered to predict which team will start the game from the center of the field.
Winning margin: It is offered to predict the difference in the number of goals with which the team, on which the bet is placed, will win in match.
For example:
The bet: Team 1: winning margin 2. For the bet to be won, team 1 must win with two goals difference.
Win to nil: It is offered to predict that the team, on which the bet is placed, will win the match and will not allow the other team to score any goals. In other words, for the bet to be won, the final score of the other team must be 0.
Yellow cards (cautions): It is offered to place bets on the number of yellow cards.
Note that if the same player receives two yellow cards in the match, the second one is not included in the calculation for yellow cards; the second yellow card is regarded as the red card.
The following betting options are offered:
Yellow Cards Over: the total number of yellow cards received in the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Yellow Cards Under: the total number of yellow cards received in the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Yellow Cards H1: team 1 must become the winner in yellow cardsโ score after the handicap adjustments are made.
Yellow Cards H2: team 2 must become the winner in yellow cardsโ score after the handicap adjustments are made.
First substitution: it is offered to place bets on first substitution. The following betting options are offered:
1-st substitution team1: for the bet to be won, 1-st substitution must be made by team 1.
1-st substitution team 2: for the bet to be won, 1-st substitution must be made by team 2.
1-st substitution both teams at the same time: for the bet to be won, both teams must make the 1-st substitution at the same time.
1-st substitution: no one: for the bet to be won, no substitutions must be made in the match
1-st substitution: in the 1-st half: for the bet to be won, the 1-st substitution must be made in the 1-st half.
1-st substitution: at half time: for the bet to be won, the 1-st substitution must be made in the halt time.
1-st substitution: in the 2-nd half: for the bet to be won, the 1-st substitution must be made in the 2-nd half.โ
Substitution total: it is offered to predict if the total number of substitutions will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are offered:
Substitution total over: the number of performed substitutions must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Substitution total under: the number of performed substitutions must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Scoring draw: it is offered to predict if the match will end with a scoring draw. The scoring draw presupposes any draw result except for 0-0. In case the bet is placed for scoring draw and the match ends with 0-0, the bet will be settled as lost.
To qualify: it is offered to predict if the team on which the bet is placed will be qualified for the selected stage of the given tournament.
For example:
The bet: To qualify for 1/2: team 1: For the bet to be won, team 1 must pass to the 1/2 final of the given tournament.
Corners: it is offered to make bets on the number of corner kicks performed in the match. The following betting options are offered:
Corners Over: for the bet to be won, the total number of performed corner kicks must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Corners Under: for the bet to be won, the total number of performed corner kicks must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Corners H1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must become the winner in corner kicksโ score after the handicap adjustments are made.
Corners H2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must become the winner in corner kicksโ score after the handicap adjustments are made.
Corners Result Win1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must become the winner in corner kicksโ score.
Corners Results Win 2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must become the winner in corner kicksโ score.
Corners Results Draw: for the bet to be won, the score of corners kicks of both team must be equal.
1-st corner: it is offered to predict which team will perform the 1-st corner kick in the match. If there were no corners in the match and no bets were offered for โno cornersโ, then the bet for the first corner will be refunded. The following betting options are offered:
1-st corner: team 1: for the bet to be won, the 1-st corner kick must be performed by team 1.
1-st corner: team 2: for the bet to be won,the 1-st corner kick must be performed by team 2.
1-st corner: no one: for the bet to be won, no corner kicks must be performed.
1-st corner minute: it is offered to predict if the minute of the first corner kick will be before or after the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
1-st Corner Minute: Over: for the bet to be won, the 1-st corner kick must be made after the minute, defined by the selected value of bet argument.
1-st Corner Minute: Under: for the bet to be won, the 1-st corner kick must be made before the minute, defined by the selected value of bet argument.
Last corner: it is offered to predict which team will perform the last corner kick in the match. The following betting options are available:
Last corner: team 1: for the bet to be won, the last corner kick must be performed by team 1.
Last corner: team 2: for the bet to be won, the last corner kick must be performed by team 2.
Last corner: no one: for the bet to be won, only one corner kick must be performed in the match.
Next corner: it is offered to predict which team will perform the next corner kick after the bet has been made. The following betting options are available:
Next corner: team 1: the next corner kick after placing the bet will be performed by team 1.
Next corner: team 2: the next corner kick after placing the bet will be performed by team 2.
Next corner: no corner kicks will performed after placing the bet.
Note that if the bet for none of the teams to score the next corner kick was not offered, then the bets made on team 1 and team 2 are subject to refund.
Corner from all four sides: it is offered to predict if during the match corner kicks will be performed from all four sides of the field. The following betting options are available:
Corner from all four sides: yes: for the bet to be won, at least one corner kick must be performed from each side of the field.
Corner from all four sides: for the bet to be won, no corner kicks must be performed from at least one side of the field.
The highest scoring half: it is offered to predict in which half the highest number of goals will be scored. The following bet options are available:
1st < 2nd: the highest number of goals (scored by two teams together) will be scored in the second half.
1st = 2nd: equal number of goals ( scored by two teams together) will be scored in both halves.
1st > 2nd: the highest number of goals will be scored in the first half.
For example:
if the score for the first half was 1:3, which means that the total number of goals is 4, and the score for the second half is 1:1, which means that the total number of goals is 2, then the bet for 1st > 2nd won, and the bets 1st < 2nd and 1st = 2nd are lost.
Rest of the match: it is offered to predict the outcome of the match, which will be fixed starting from the minute, when the bet has been made until the end of the match. Note that, the result, which had been fixed in the match before the bet was made, is not included in the calculation. The following bet options are offered:
Rest of the Match: Win1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match starting from the moment when the bet has been made.
Rest of the Match: Win2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner of the match starting from the moment when the bet has been made.
Rest of the Match: Draw: for the bet to be won, draw must be fixed starting from the moment when the bet has been made.
For example:
The score of the match by the 75-th minute is 3-1. The bet is placed on the 76-th minute Rest of the Match: Win2. On the 85-th minute, team 2 scores 1 more goal and team 1 does not score more goals, so the final score is 3-2. In this case, the bet is won, despite the fact that team 1 is the winner of the match, as only the score fixed after the bet was placed counts for this type of the bet, and the score starting from 76-th minute until the end of the match was 0-1.
Penalty: it is offered to place bets on the number of penalties performed during the match. (A penalty kick is a method of restarting the game, in which the player performs a single shot on the goal while it is defended only by the opposing teamโs goalkeeper.). The following betting options are provided:
Penalty: yes: for the bet to be won, at least one penalty must take place.
Penalty: no: for the bet to be won, no penalties must take place.
Penalty over: for the bet to be won, the number of penalties must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Penalty: under: for the bet to be won, the number of penalties must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Realize penalty by Panenka kick: It is offered to predict if any penalty in the match will be performed by Panenka kick. (Panenka Kick is a penalty kick delicately chipped into the back of the net once the goalkeeper has prematurely dived to one side of the goal.). The following bet options are provided:
Yes: for the bet to be won, at least one penalty by Panenka Kick must be performed in the match.
No: for the bet to be won, no penalties performed by Panenka Kick must be performed in the match.
To miss a penalty: it is offered to predict if the team on which the bet is made will miss a penalty (to miss a penalty- not to score a goal by penalty). The following betting options are available:
To miss a penalty: team 1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must miss at least one penalty.
To miss a penalty: team 2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must miss at least one penalty.
*Note: if during the match no penalties are assigned, the bet will be calculated as lost.
To score a penalty: it is offered to predict if the team on which the bet is made, will score a penalty (to score a penalty- to score a goal by penalty). The following betting options are available:
To score a penalty: team 1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must score at least one goal by penalty.
To score a penalty: team 2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must score at least one goal by penalty.
*Note: if during the match no penalties are assigned, the bet will be calculated as lost.
Video Assistant Referee System will be used: it is offered to predict if Video Assistant Referee System will be performed during the match. The following bet options are offered:
Yes: for the bet to be won, Video Assistant Referee System must be used during the match.
No: for the bet to be won, Video Assistant Referee System must not be used during the match.
Outright: it is type of bet, where you are able to predict the winner of a particular championship among its participants.
For example:
The bet: Denmark the winner of Euro 2020: yes. The bet implies that Denmark will become the winner of Euro 2020 Championship.
Relegated: it is offered to predict to predict a team will be relegated in the frames of a given competition (Relegation in football is when a team is transferred to a lower division of a league according to results achieved.). The following betting options are available:
Yes: for the bet to be won, the team must be relegated in the frames of a given championship.
No: for the bet to be won, the team must not be relegated in the frames of a given championship.
Total distance covered: it is offered to predict if the total distance covered by two teams during the match will be over/under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are offered:
Total Distance Covered Over: for the bet to be won, the total distance covered by the team, on which the bet is made, must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total Distance Covered Under: for the bet to be won, the total distance covered by the team, on which the bet is made, must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Next minute (specified time): it is offered to predict which action will be performed the next minute after the bet is made. The following betting options are offered:
Goal: yes/no
Corner kick: yes/no
Goal kick: yes/no
Free kick: yes/no
Throw in: yes/no
Card: yes/no
Penalty awarded: yes/no
First action in next 5 Min. (specified time): it is offered to predict which action will be performed the first during 5 minutes starting from the time when the bet was made. The following betting options are offered:
Free Kick
Goal Kick
Corner kick
Penalty awarded
No set Piece
Method of the next goal: it is offered to predict the way in which the next goal will be scored. The following betting options are offered:
Regular Goal/No header
Free Kick
Own Goal
No Goal
Possession (%): it is offered to make bets on ball possession in the match. The following betting options are offered:
Possession (%) Over: the ball possession percentage of the team on which the bet is placed will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Possession (%) Under: the ball possession percentage of the team on which the bet is placed will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Goal in both halves: it is offered to predict if the goals will be performed in both halves of the match or not. The following betting options are offered:
Yes: for the bet to be won, at least one goal must be scored in each half.
No: for the bet to be won, no goals must be scored at least in one half.
1-st substitution: it is offered to place bets on the first substitution. The following betting options are offered:
Team 1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must perform the first substitution.
Team 2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must perform the first substitution.
Both teams at the same time: for the bet to be won, both teams must perform the first substitution at the same time.
No one: for the bet to be won, no substitutions must be performed.
In the 1-st half: for the bet to be won, the first substitution must be performed in the 1-st half.
At half -time: for the bet to be won, the first substitution must be performed at half time.
In the 2-nd half: for the bet to be won, the first substitution must be performed in the 2-nd half.
Substitutions: it is offered to predict if the performed number of substitutions will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are offered:
Substitutions over: the number of substitutions will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Substitutions under: the number of substitutions will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Substitute to score: it is offered to predict if the replacing player will score goals. The following betting options are offered:
Yes: for the bet to be won, a replacing player must score at least one goal.
No: for the bet to be won, the replacing player must not score goals.
Over: for the bet to be won, the number of goals scored by a replacing player must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Under: for the bet to be won, the number of goals scored by a replacing player must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
1-st yellow card minute: it is offered to predict the time range in minutes, during which the first yellow card will be awarded.
For example:
The bet First yellow card minute from 1 to 21. For the bet to be won, the first yellow card must be received in the the interval from 1-th until 21-st minute.
First to happen: it is offered to predict which action will take place the first in the match. The following betting options are offered:
Goal Kick
How is scored the first goal: it is offered to predict the way in which the first goal will be scored. The following betting options are available:
Regular Goal/No header
Free Kick
Own Goal
Passes completed (%): it is offered to make bets on the percentage of passes performed during the match. The following betting options are available:
Passes completed (%) over: for the bet to be won, the percentage of passes performed during the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Passes completed (%) under: for the bet to be won, the percentage of passes performed during the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Short passes completed (%): it is offered to predict if the percentage short passes of the team, on which the bet is made is over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting option are available:
Short passes completed (%) over: for the bet to be won, the percentage of short passes performed during the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Short passes completed (%) under: for the bet to be won, the percentage of short passes performed during the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Medium passes completed (%): it is offered to predict if the percentage medium passes of the team, on which the bet is made is over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting option are available:
Medium passes completed (%) over: for the bet to be won, the percentage of medium passes performed during the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Medium passes completed (%) under: for the bet to be won, the percentage of medium passes performed during the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Long passes completed (%): it is offered to predict if the percentage long passes of the team, on which the bet is made is over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting option are available:
Long passes completed (%) over: for the bet to be won, the percentage of long passes performed during the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Long passes completed (%) under: for the bet to be won, the percentage of long passes performed during the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Sending off: it is offered to predict if sending off will take place during the match. (Sending off is the situation when a referee removes a player from the field because of the serious rule violation) The following betting options are available:
Sending off yes: for the bet to be won at least one sending off must be performed in the match.
Sending off no: for the bet to be won, no sending off-s must be performed in the match.
Sending off: Over: for the bet to be won, the number of sending off-s in the match must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Sending off: Under:for the bet to be won, the number of sending off-s in the match must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
alftime/Full time: it is offered to predict the outcomes of the first half and full time of the match simultaneously. For the bet to be won both outcomes must be predicted correctly. The following betting options are available:
Win1/Win1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must win in both first half and in the full match.
Win1/Draw: for the bet to be won, team 1 must win in the first half, and the full match must end in a draw.
Win1/Win2: for the bet to be won, team 1 must win in the first half, and team 2 must win in the full match.
Draw/Win1: for the bet to be won, the 1-st half must end in a draw, and team 1 must win in the full match.
Draw/Draw: for the bet to be won, both the 1-st half and the full match must end in a draw.
Draw/Win2: for the bet to be won, the 1-st half must end in a draw and team 2 must win in the full match.
Win2/Win1: for the bet to be won, team 2 must win in the 1-st half and team 1 must win in the full match.
Win2/Draw: for the bet to be won, team 2 must win in the 1-st half and the full match must end in a draw.
Win2/Win2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must win in both the 1-st half and in the full match.
Shots on target: it is offered to make bets on the number of shots on targets.
Shot on target (in the match, at half-time, by the team, by the player) is considered to be any clear attempt to score a goal
in the result of which the ball appears in the goal and a goal is registered,
in the result of which the ball would have appeared in the goal, if the goalkeeper had not prevented the goal.
in the result of which, the ball would have appeared in the goal, if the defender (the opponentโs player) who at that moment was behind the goalkeeper had not stopped it meanwhile the goalkeeper had no opportunity to prevent the goal.
Woodwork (post/bar) is not considered as a shot on target. The kick blocked by another player who is not the last, but there are other players behind him, is not considered as a shot on target.
. The following betting options are available:
Shots on Target Over: for the bet to be won, the number of performed shots on target must be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Shots on Target Under: for the bet to be won, the number of performed shots on target must be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Shots on Target H1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner in the score for shots on target after the handicap adjustments are made.
Shots on Target H2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner in the score for shots on target after the handicap adjustments are made.
Shots: it is offered to make bets on the number of shots performed in the match. A shot is considered any clear attempt to score a goal,
in the result of which the ball hits the goalโs net,
in the result of which the ball would have gone towards the goal if the goalkeeper had not saved the goal or the opponentโs player who was the last player at the moment, had not stopped it.
in the result of which the ball goes towards the goal and is being blocked by the defender behind whom there is (are) another (other) defender (s) or the goalkeeper,
in the result of which the ball would have passed above the goal or by its side if it had not been blocked by the goalkeeper or any of the players,
in the result of which the ball touches the woodwork (post/bar),
in the result of which the ball passes above the goal or by its side without touching any player.
The following betting options are offered: Shots: over โ the number of shots performed in the match will be higher than the selected value of bet argument Shots: under โ the number of shots performed in the match will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Offsides: It is offered to make bets on the number of offsides. (A player is in an โoffside positionโ if s/he is in the opposing teamโs half of the field and also โnearer to the opponentsโ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent while being involved in the active game.). The following betting options are offered:
Offsides Over: for the bet to be won, the number of offsides be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Offsides Under: for the bet to be won, the number of offsides be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Offsides H1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner in the score for offsides after the handicap adjustments are made.
Offsides H2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner in the score for offsides after the handicap adjustments are made.
Fouls: it is offered to place the bet on the number of fouls. A foul is an act committed by a player, which is deemed by the referee to be unfair. The following bet options are offered:
Fouls Over: for the bet to be won, the number of fouls be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Fouls Under: for the bet to be won, the number of fouls be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Fouls H1: for the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner in the score for fouls after the handicap adjustments are made.
Fouls H2: for the bet to be won, team 2 must be the winner in the score for fouls after the handicap adjustments are made.
Place in group: it is offered to predict which place in group will be taken by the team, on which the bet is made. The following betting options are offered:
1-st place: for the bet to be won, the team must take the 1-st place in the group.
2-nd place: for the bet to be won, the team must take the 2-nd place in the group.
3-rd place: for the bet to be won, the team must take the 3-rd place in the group.
4-th place: for the bet to be won, the team must take the 4-rd place in the group.
1-st or 2-nd: for the bet to be won, the team must take either the 1-st or the 2-nd place in the group.
2-nd or 3-rd: for the bet to be won, the team must take either the 2-nd or the 3-rd place in the group.
3-rd or 4-th: for the bet to be won, the team must take either the 3-rd or the 4-rd place in the group.
Race to certain number of points: it is offered to predict which team will score the stated number goals in the match.
For example:
The bet Race to 3 points: Team 1. For the bet to be won, team 1 must the first score three goals.
Total minutes draw score: it is offered to predict the total (summed up) number of minutes during which the score of the match was equal.
Lead minutes: it is offered to predict the time in minutes during which the team was holding a leading position in the score.
For example:
The bet Team 1 Lead minutes: over 31.5. For the bet to be won, the total time during which team 1 was holding the leading position in the match must be over 31 minutes.
Result or Both To Score: it is offered simultaneously to make a bet on the result of the match and whether the goals will (will not) be scored by both teams in the match. The bet will be calculated as won if at least one of the made predictions is correct. The following betting options are available:
1 or Both Teams To Score โ Yes
X or Both Teams To Score โ Yes
2 or Both Teams To Score โ Yes
1 or Both Teams To Score โ No
X or Both Teams to Score โ No
2 or Both Teams to Score โ No
For example The player has made a bet: 1 or Both to score โ Yes. The bet will be calculated as won if the first team wins the match or at least one goal is scored by each team.
1-st Half or Both to Score: it is offered simultaneously to make a bet on the result of the 1-st half of the match and whether the goals will (will not) be scored by both teams in the match. The bet will be calculated as won if at least one of the made predictions is correct. The following betting options are available:
Win 1 in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score -Yes
Draw in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score -Yes
Win 2 in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score -Yes
Win 1 in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
Draw in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
Win 2 in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
For example The player has made a bet: Draw in 1-st Half or Both Teams To Score-Yes. The bet will be calculated as won if the first half ended in a draw or at least one goal is scored by each team.
2-nd Half or Both to Score: it is offered simultaneously to make a bet on the result of the 2-nd half of the match and whether the goals will (will not) be scored by both teams in the match. The bet will be calculated as won if at least one of the made predictions is correct. The following betting options are available:
Win 1 in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score -Yes
Draw in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score โ Yes
Win 2 in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score -Yes
Win 1 in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
Draw in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
Win 2 in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score โ No
For example The player made a bet: Win 1 in 2-nd Half or Both Teams To Score โ Yes. The bet will be calculated as won if the second half of the match is won by the first team or if at least one goal is scored by each team.
Result or Total: it is offered to make a bet on the result of the match and whether the total number of scored goals will be over (under) the selected value of bet argument. The bet will be calculated as won if at least one of the made predictions is correct. The following betting options are available:
Win 1 or Over
Draw or Over
Win 2 or Over
Win 1 or Under
Draw or Under
Win 2 or Under
For example The player made a bet: Win 2 and Over (2.5). The bet will be calculated as won if the second team wins the match or if at least 3 goals are scored during the match.
Total or Both To Score: it is offered simultaneously to make the bet on the number of the scored goals in the match to be over (under) the selected value of bet argument and whether both teams will score (will not score) goals in the match. The bet will be calculated as won if at least one of the made predictions is correct. The following betting options are available:
Both Teams To Score -Yes or Over
Both Teams To Score -No or Over
Both Teams To Score -Yes or Under
Both Teams To Score -No or Under
For example The player has made a bet: Both Teams To Score -Yes or Over (3.5). The bet will be calculated as won if each team scores at least one goal or if the total number of the scored goals is at least 4.
Last updated