
Bets on a Kabaddi match are offered for the main time if nothing else is specified by the Organizer. Matches consist of two halves of 20 minutes each. Matches in other formats can also be held in that case the Organizer makes a special note on that in the program.

The following bets are offered for Kabaddi sport:

Result: it is offered to predict, which team will be the match winner. The following betting options are available:

  • Win 1: victory of team 1.

  • X: the match ends in a draw.

  • Win 2: victory of team 2.

Double chance: it is offered to predict two match outcomes simultaneously, and if one of the outcomes is predicted correctly, the bet will be calculated as won. The following betting options are available:

  • 1X: the match ends with either team 1 victory or a draw.

  • 12: the match ends with victory of either team 1 or team 2.

  • X2: the match ends with either victory of team 2 or a draw.

For example:

If the match ends with the score 45:45, then the bets 1X and X2 will be calculated as won, and the bet 12 will be lost.

Handicap: handicap is the advantage or disadvantage in points which is attributed to a team. The team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are performed.

Positive: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the advantage of points, the number of which is defined as the handicap argument, is added to the teamโ€™s final score.

For example:

The bet: Handicap 2 (2). The bet is made on team 2, and โ€œ2โ€ is the handicap argument. For this bet to be calculated as won, team 2 must be the winner of the match after we add the advantage of 2 points to its final score. Let us review three possible outcomes of this bet:

  • The match ended with the score 53:52. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:54. In this case, the bet is won, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is the winner of the match.

  • The match ended with the score 53:50. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:52. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is not the winner of the match.

  • The match ended with the score 53:51. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:53. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the adjustment of the handicap advantage, the score becomes a draw.

Negative: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the number of points defined by the value of handicap argument is subtracted from the teamโ€™s final score.

For example:

The bet: handicap 1(-2): The bet is made for team 1, and โ€œ-2โ€ is the handicap argument. For the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match after we subtract 2 points from its final score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:

  • The match ended with the score 54:51. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 52:51. In this case, the bet is won, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is still the winner of the match.

  • The match ended with the score 52:51. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 50:51. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is not the winner of the match any more.

  • The match ended with the score 54:52. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 52:52. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the handicap adjustments, the score becomes a draw.

Total: it is offered to predict if the total number of scored points will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available.

  • Total over: the number of points must exceed the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of points and the value of the bet argument coincide, the bet is refunded.

For example:

The bet: total over (45). In this bet, โ€œ45โ€ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of points scored in the match must be over 45. In case the total number of points equals to 45, the bet will be refunded.

  • Total under: the number of points must be lower than the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of points and the value of the bet argument coincide, the bet will be refunded.

For example:

The bet: total under (45). In this bet, โ€œ45โ€ is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of points scored in the match must be lower than 45. In case the total number of points equals to 45, the bet will be refunded.

Total Odd/Even: it is offered to predict if the total number of points scored in the match will be an even or an odd number. The following betting options are available.

  • Even: the total number of points scored in the match will be even.

  • Odd: the total number of points scored in the match will be odd.

The tournamentsโ€™ and championshipsโ€™ official websites presented in the table are taken as basis during calculation for kabaddi matches. In particular cases, when the outcome of the offered bet is not clear from the information available on the official website (the official website lacks the necessary information), video recordings of the matches are taken as basis for calculating the bets.

A Kabaddi match that was interrupted and did not continue or was not completed within 24 hours is considered to have taken place if at least 32 minutes have been played. In other cases, the matches are considered not completed. The outcomes of the matches, that are considered interrupted and not completed, which have already been determined at the time of the interruption and do not depend on the final result of the match are subject to calculation and the other bets are calculated with the odds โ€œ1โ€ (one). The technical victory (loss) registered by any cause is not the basis for bet calculation. In this case, the match is considered not completed and all the bets are calculated with the odds โ€œ1โ€ (one).

Bets are also accepted on other possible outcomes in kabaddi matches, which will be offered in the Line by the Organizer.

Last updated