Declared in advance format of tennis match can be changed before match starts (e.g. in a single match super tie-break is played instead of the decisive 3-rd set or 3 sets are played instead of 5). In such cases, bets made on “Win1” and “Win2” outcomes of match are subject to calculation according to final result, and all the other bets are calculated with the odds “1” (one).
If one of the sides refuses to participate in the match before its start, or is unable to participate, retires or is disqualified, the bets made on the match outcomes are calculated with odds “1” (one).If during tennis team (doubles) match, in which the participants’ names are specified by team (country) name (for example, Spain-Switzerland), the change of tennis player (team) is performed (in advance announced tennis player or tennis team for which the bets were offered), the bets on all outcomes of the match remain valid.
The bets made on the outcomes of tennis matches, which were postponed or interrupted, remain valid until the end of the tournament, which they belong to.
Result: it is offered to predict which player will be the match winner. The following betting options are available:
Win 1: victory of player 1
Win 2: victory of player 2
The bets (including bets placed on statistical data) which are definitely considered to have taken place at the moment of the termination of the match based on the actual registered result (according to the format of the match), are subject to calculation. The rest of the bets, including “Win 1 and “Win 2” are refunded (calculated with the odds “1”).
Total: it is offered to make bets on the total number of played games. The following betting options are available:
Total Over: the total number of games will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 1-st set total: over (8.5). In this bet “8.5” is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the 1-st set ended with the score 6-4. Thus, we have 10 in total. The bet will be calculated as won, because 10>8.5.
Total Under: the total number of games will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 1-st total under (8.5). In this bet, “8.5” is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the 1-st set ended with the score 2-6. Thus, we have 8 in total. The bet will be calculated as won, because 8<8.5.
Games Handicap: it is the advantage or disadvantage of games, which is attributed to player’s score of the games. The player, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner after the handicap adjustments are performed.
Positive Handicap: this handicap type implies that the player, on which the bet is made, must become the winner after the advantage of games, the number of which is defined by the selected handicap argument, is added to the player’s score.
For example: The bet Handicap 2 (3.5). The bet is placed on player 2 , and “3.5” is the handicap argument. For this bet to be calculated as won, player 2 must be the winner after we add the advantage of 3.5 games to his/her score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The score of games in the match was 14-12 (1-st set: 7-6, 2-nd set: 7-6). When we add the advantage of 3.5 games to the score of player 2, the score becomes 14-15.5. In this case, the bet is won, as after the adjustment the handicap advantage, player 2 is the winner.
The score of games in the match was 13-9 (1-st set: 6-3; second set: 7-6). When we add the advantage of 3.5 games to the score of player 2, the score becomes 13-12.5. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, player 2 is not the winner.
*Note: in if the handicap argument is a whole number and after the adjustment of handicap advantage the score becomes a draw, the bet is refunded (calculated with the odds 1).
Negative Handicap: this handicap type implies that the player, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner after the number of games, defined by the selected handicap argument, is subtracted from the player’s score.
For example: The bet Handicap 1(-3.5). The bet is placed on player 1, “-3.5” is the handicap argument. For the bet to be won, player 1 must become the winner after we subtract 3.5 from his/her score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The score of games in the match was 12-6 (1-st set: 6-2; 2-d set 6-4). When we subtract 3.5 from the final score of player 1, the score becomes 8.5-6. In this case, the bet is won, as after the handicap adjustments, player 1 is the winner.
The score of games in the match was 14-12 (1-st set: 7-6, 2-d set 7-6). When we subtract 3.5 from the final score of player 1, the score becomes 10.5-12. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the handicap adjustments, player 1 is not the winner of the match.
*Note, in if the handicap argument is a whole number and after the adjustment of handicap advantage the score becomes a draw, the bet is refunded (calculated with the odds “1”).
Sets Handicap: it is the advantage or disadvantage of sets, which is attributed to player’s score of the sets. The player, on which the bet is placed, must be the winner after the handicap adjustments are performed.
Positive Handicap: in this handicap type, the player, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner after the advantage of sets, the number of which is defined by the selected handicap argument, is added to the player’s score.
For example: The bet Handicap 2 (1.5). The bet is placed on player 2, “1.5” is the handicap argument here. For this bet to be won, player 2 must be the winner after we add the advantage of 1.5 sets to his/her score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The score of sets the match is 2-1. When we add the advantage of 1.5 to the score of player 2, the score becomes 2-2.5. In this case, the bet will be calculated as won, as after the adjustment the handicap advantage, player 2 is the winner.
The score of sets in the match is 2-0. When we add the advantage of 2 to the final score of player 2, the score becomes 2-1.5. In this case, the bet will be calculated as lost, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, player 2 is not the winner.
Negative Handicap: in this handicap type, the player, on which the bet is placed, must become the winner after the number of sets, defined by the selected handicap argument, is subtracted from the player’s final score.
For example: The bet Handicap 1 (-1.5). The bet is placed on player 1, “-1.5” is the handicap argument. For the bet to be won, player 1 must be the winner after we subtract 1.5 from his/her score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:
The score of sets in match is 2-0. When we subtract 1.5 from the score of team 1, the score becomes 0.5-0. In this case, the bet will be calculated as won, because after the handicap adjustments, player 1 is the winner.
The score of sets in match is 2-1. When we subtract 1.5 from the score of player1, the score becomes 0.5-1. In this case, the bet will be calculated as lost, because after the handicap adjustments, player 1 is not the winner.
Correct Score: It is offered to predict the exact score (the exact score of the sets) of the match.
For example: The bet Correct Score: 2-0. For the bet to be calculated as won, the match must end with the score 2-0.
Total sets over/under: it is offered to make bets on the total number of sets played during the match. The following bet options are available:
Total sets over (2.5): for the bet to be won, the number of sets played in the match must be higher than 2.5.
Total sets under (2.5): For the bet to be won, the number of sets played in the match must be lower than 2.5.
For example: The bet Total sets over (2.5). Suppose that the score of the match is 1:2. In this case, the bet will be calculated as won, as in total we have 3 sets played (3>2.5).
Set/match: it is offered to predict the winner of the 1-st set and the match simultaneously. For the bet to be won, both outcomes must be predicted correctly.
For example: The bet Set/match: 1/2. For the bet to be won, the 1-st set of the match must be won by player 1, but the match must be won by player 2.
Set score: it is offered to predict the exact score of the set.
For example: The bet 1-st set score 1-6. For the bet to be calculated as won, the score of the 1-st set must be 1-6.
Tie-Break in Match: it is offered to predict if tie-break will be played in the match.Tie-break is played if the game score is 6-6. It is played until 7 points are won but with the advantage of 2 points, (e.g. 7-5). If the score in tie-break reaches 6-6, it continues until one of the players receives the advantage of 2 points (e.g. 8-10, 12:10). If a player wins in tie-break, he/she wins the set with the score 7-6.The following betting options are available:
Tie-break in match: yes – at least one tie-break will be played during the match.
Tie-break in match: no – there will be no tie-break in the match.
1-st set: winner it is offered to predict the winner of the 1-st set. The following betting options are available:
Win1: player 1 will win in the 1-st set.
Win2: player 2 will win in the 1-st set.
Total highest scoring set: it is offered to make bets on the total number of games scored in the highest scoring set (the set, in which the highest number of games was played).The following betting options are available:
Total highest scoring set: over – the total number of games in the highest scoring set will be higher than selected value of bet argument.
Total highest scoring set: under – the total number of games in the highest scoring set will be lower than selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet Total highest scoring set: over (8.5). The score of the 1-st set is 6:3, and the 2-nd set- 6:2. In this case the highest scoring set is the 1-st, the total of which is 9 (6+3). The bet will be calculated as won, because 9 > 8.5.
Total lowest scoring set: it is offered to make bets on total number of games scored in the lowest scoring set (the set, in which the lowest number of games was played). The following betting options are available:
Total lowest scoring set: over -the total number of games in the lowest scoring set will be higher than selected value of bet argument.
Total lowest scoring set: under – the total number of games in the lowest scoring set will be lower than selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet Total lowest highest scoring set: under (10.5). The score of the first set is 2:6, and the second set- 4:6. In this case, the lowest scoring half is the first one, the total of which is 8 (2+6). Thus, the bet will be calculated as won as 8 <10.5.
Total points (in the game): it is offered to make bets on total number of points scored in the game (15 =1 point, 30 =2 points, 40 =3 points, win in the game = 4 points). The following betting options are available:
Total points: over – the total number of points scored in the game will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total points: under – the total number of points scored in the game will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 2-d Set 8-th Game Total Points: over (5.5). The game ended with the score 15: Win 2 ( that is 1+ 4), then the game will be calculated as lost, because 5<5.5.
Total points (in the game) Even/odd: it is offered to predict if the total number of points scored in a particular game will be an even or an odd number (15 =1 point, 30 =2 points, 40 =3 points, win in the game = 4 points) . The following betting options are available:
Total points: even -the total number of points scored in the game will be an even number.
Total points: odd – the total number of points scored in the game will be an odd number.
For example: The bet 1-st set 7-th game Total Points: odd.The game ended with the score 15:Win 2 ( that is 1+ 4), then the game will be calculated as won, because 5 is an odd number
Total points (in the game) 3 way: it is offered to predict if the total number of points in the game will be over, under or equal to the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available:
Total points (in the game) 3 way: over – the total number of points in the game will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total points (in the game) 3 way: under – the total number of points in the game will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Total points (in the game) 3 way: equal – the total number of points in the game will be equal to the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 1-st set 4-th game total points 3 way: equal (5).The game ended with the score 15:Win 2 ( that is 1+ 4), then the bet will be calculated as won, because the total number of points is 5.
Game score: it is offered to make bets on the score of a particular game in the match.
For example: The bet 1-st set 1-st Game: Score Win 1:30. The bet implies that the 1-st game of the 1-st set will be won by player 1, and player 2 will manage to score only 30 points.
Total tie breaks: it is offered to make bets on the total number of tie breaks. Tie-break is played if the game score is 6-6. It is played until 7 points are won but with the advantage of 2 points, (e.g. 7-5). If the score in tie-break reaches 6-6, it continues until one of the players receives the advantage of 2 points (e.g. 8-10, 12-10). If a player wins in tie-break, he/she wins the set with the score 7-6. The following betting options are available:
Total tie breaks: over- the total number of tie breaks will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total tie breaks: under – the total number of tie breaks will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
1-st set: number of breaks: it is offered to make bets on the total number of breaks in the 1-st set. (A break “break of the serve” in tennis is the situation when the player, who performs the serve in the game, loses in it). The following betting options are available:
1-st set: number of breaks: over – the total number of breaks in the 1-st set will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
1-st set: number of breaks: under – the total number of breaks in the 1-st set will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Total of breaks in the match: it is offered to make bets on the total number of breaks in the match. (A break “break of the serve” in tennis is the situation when the player, who performs the serve in the game, loses in it). The following betting options are available:
Total of breaks in the match: over – the total number of breaks in the match will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total of breaks in the match: under – the total number of breaks in the match will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
1-st set 1-st break. It is offered to predict which player will perform the 1-st break in the 1-st set. A break “break of the serve” in tennis is the situation when the player, who performs the serve in the game, loses in it. The following betting options are available:
1-st set 1-st break: player 1 – the 1-st break in the 1-st set will be performed by player 1.
1-st set 1-st break: player 2 – the 1-st break in the 1-st set will be performed by player 2.
1-st set 1-st break: no break – no breaks will be performed in the 1-st set.
Set winner: it is offered to make bets on the winner of a particular set.
For example: The bet 1-st set winner: Win 1. The bet implies that player 1 will win in the 1-st set.
Set total odd/even: it is offered to predict if the total number of games played in the selected set will be an even or an odd number. The following betting options are available:
Set total: even – the total number of games played in the selected set will be an even number.
Set total: odd – the total number of games played in the selected set will be an odd number.
For example: The bet 1-st set total even/odd: even. The bet implies that the total number of games scored in the 1-st set will be an even number. Let us suppose that the score of the 1-st set is 2:6. Thus, in total we receive 8.The bet will be settled as won, because 8 is an even number.
Tie Break total : it is offered to make bets on the total number of points scored in the tie-break. Tie-break is played if the game score is 6-6. It is played until 7 points are won but with the advantage of 2 points, (e.g. 7-5). If the score in tie-break reaches 6-6, it continues until one of the players receives the advantage of 2 points (e.g. 8-10, 12-10). If a player wins in tie-break, he/she wins the set with the score 7-6. The following betting options are available:
Tie Break total: over – the total number of points scored in the tie break will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 1-st set: tie break total: over (11.5). Let us suppose that the score of the tie break in the 1-st set is 7-5. Thus, we have 12 in total. The bet will be calculated as won, because 12>11.5.
Tie Break: under – the total number of points scored in the tie break will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
For example: The bet 1-st set tie break total: under (11.5). Let us suppose that the score of the tie break in the 1-st set is 7:1. Thus, we have 8 in total, and the bet will be calculated as won, because 8<11.5
Tie Break handicap – it is offered to make bets on the winner of tie break with the handicap. Tie-break is played if the game score is 6-6. It is played until 7 points are won but with the advantage of 2 points, (e.g. 7-5). If the score in tie-break reaches 6-6, it continues until one of the players receives the advantage of 2 points (e.g. 8-10, 12-10). If a player wins in tie-break, he/she wins the set with the score 7-6. The following betting options are available:
Tie Break handicap: H1– player 1 will be the tie break winner after the handicap adjustments are performed.
Tie Break handicap: H2– playe r2 will be the tie-break winner after the handicap adjustments are performed.
For example: The bet 2-nd set tie-break handicap: H2 (3). The bet implies that player 2 will be the winner of the tie-break after 3 points will be added to the player’s score. Let us suppose that the score in the tie-break is 7-5. Thus, the score with handicap becomes 7-8. In this case, the bet will be calculated as won because player 2 is the winner of the tie-break after the adjustment of handicap advantage is performed.
Tie Break score: it is offered to predict the precise score of the tie break. Tie-break is played if the game score is 6-6. It is played until 7 points are won but with the advantage of 2 points, (e.g. 7-5). If the score in tie-break reaches 6-6, it continues until one of the players receives the advantage of 2 points (e.g. 8-10, 12-10). If a player wins in tie-break, he/she wins the set with the score 7-6.
For example: The bet 1-st set: Tie Break score: 7-2. The bet implies that the score of the tie-break in the 1-st set will be 7-2.
Game Winner: it is offered to predict the winner of a particular game.
For example: The bet 1-st Set: 5-th game Winner: Win 1. The bet implies that player 1 will win the 5-th game of the 1-st set.
Point Winner: it is offered to predict the winner of a particular point.
For example: The bet 1-st set 1-st game 2-d Point Winner: Win 1. The bet implies that player 1 will win the 2-d point of the 1-st game in the 1-st set.
Exact number of games: it is offered to make bets on the exact number of the games played in the selected set.
For example: The bet 1-st set Exact number of games: 10. For the bet to be calculated as won, the exact number of games of the 1-st set must be 10.
Game to Deuce: it is offered to predict if the deuce will happen during the game (Deuce in tennis is reached when both players have 40 points “40-all”. To win the game from this point a player must win two consecutive points or the score will keep returning to deuce). The following betting options are available:
Game to Deuce: Yes – the deuce will happen during the game.
Game to Deuce: No – the deuce will not happen during the game.
For example: The bet 2-d Set: 7-th Game to Deuce: Yes. The bet implies that the deuce will happen in the 7-th game of the 2-d set.
Game win to deuce: it is offered to make bets on the player’s victory in the deuce of the game. (Deuce in tennis is reached when both players have 40 points “40-all”. To win the game from this point a player must win two consecutive points or the score will keep returning to deuce).
For example: The bet 1-st: 2-d game Win to Deuce: Win 1. The bet implies that player 1 will win in the deuce of the 2-d game of the 1-st set.
Number of deuce games: it is offered to predict the number of deuce games in the selected games. (Deuce in tennis is reached when both players have 40 points “40-all”. To win the game from this point a player must win two consecutive points or the score will keep returning to deuce).
For example: The bet 1-st and 2-d Games: Number of Deuce Games: 3. The bet implies that in total in the 1-st and the 2-d games 3 deuce games will be played.
Win at least two sets: it is offered to make bets on the player’s victory in at least 2 sets. The following betting options are offered:
Win at least two sets: yes – the player, on which the bet is made, will win in at least two sets.
Win at least two sets: no – the player, on which the bet is made, will not win in two sets.
For example: The bet win 1 at least two sets: Yes. For the bet to be calculated as won, player 1 must become the winner of at least 2 sets.
The 1-st serve: it is offered to predict which player will perform the 1-st serve in the match. The following betting options are offered:
The 1-st serve: player 1– player 1 will perform the 1-st serve.
The 1-st serve: player 2– player 2 will perform the 1-st serve.
Total of aces in the match: it is offered to place bets on the total number of performed aces (Ace is a legal serve, which wins the point while the receiver has not touched the ball). The following betting options are available:
Total of aces in the match: over – the total number of aces performed in the match will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total of aces in the match: under – the total number of aces performed in the match will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
The 1-st ace: it is offered to predict which of the players will perform the 1-st ace in the match. An ace is a legal serve, which wins the point while the receiver has not touched the ball).The following betting options are available:
The 1-st ace: player 1 – the 1-st ace in match will be performed by player 1.
The 1-st ace: player 2 – the 1-st ace in match will be performed by player 2.
The 1-st ace: no one – no aces will be performed in the match.
Total of double faults in match: it is offered to place bets on the total number of double faults performed. Double fault is the situation, when the player make a mistake in both serves and loses the point.The following betting options are available:
Total of double faults in match: over – the total number of performed double faults will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Total of double faults in match: under – the total number of performed double faults will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
The 1-st double fault: it is offered to predict which player will perform the first double fault in the match. Double fault is the situation when the player make a mistake in both serves and loses the point.The following betting options are available:
The 1-st double fault: player 1 – the 1-st double fault will be performed by player 1.
The 1-st double fault: player 2 – the 1-st double fault will be performed by player 2.
The 1-st double fault: no one – no double fault will be performed in the match.
Highest scoring sets: it is offered to predict in which of the sets the highest total number of games will be scored. The following betting options are available:
1-st < 2-nd: the highest total number of games will be played in the 2-nd set.
1-st = 2-nd: the equal number of games will be played in the 1-st and the second sets.
1-st > 2-nd: the highest number of games will be played in the 1-st set.
For example: The score of the 1-st set is 6:1, the 2-nd set- 6:4. Thus, the 2-nd set is the highest scoring. In the case the bet 1-st < 2-nd would be calculated as won, and the bets for 1-st = 2-nd and 1-st > 2-nd will be calculated as lost.
Medical time out: it is offered to make bets on whether the medical time out will be performed during the match (Tennis players are allowed to request medical timeouts in case of injuries). The following betting options are available:
Medical time out: Yes – the medical time out will be performed during the match.
Medical time out: No – the medical time out will not be performed during the match.
How long does the 1-st set last (minute): it is offered to make bets on the duration (in minutes) of the 1-st set. The following betting options are available:
How long does the 1-st set lasts (minute): over – the number of minutes of the 1-st set will be higher than the selected number of bet argument.
How long does the 1-st set last (minute): under – the number of minutes of the 1-st set will be lower than the selected number of bet argument.
How long does the match lasts (minute): it is offered to make bets on the duration (in minutes) of the match (in minutes).The following betting options are available:
How long does the match last (minute): over – the number the match minutes will be higher than the selected number of bet argument.
How long does the match last (minute): under – the number of the match minutes will be lower than the selected number of bet argument.
Match will be won by an ace: it is offered to make bet on whether the match will be won by an ace (Ace is a legal serve, which wins the point while the receiver has not touched the ball). The following betting options are available:
Match will be won by an ace: yes – the match will be won by an ace.
Match will be won by an ace: no – the match will not be won by an ace.
Fastest serve speed km/h: it is offered to place bets on the speed of the player’s fastest serve. The following betting options are available:
Fastest serve speed km/h: over – the speed of the selected player’s fastest serve will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Fastest serve speed km/h: under – the speed of the selected player’s fastest serve will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Average speed of the 1-st serve km/h: it is offered to make bets on the average speed of the player’s 1-st serve. The following betting options are available:
Average speed of the 1-st serve km/h: over – average speed of the player’s 1-st serve will be higher than the selected value of bet argument.
Average speed of the 1-st serve km/h: under – average speed of the player’s 1-st serve will be lower than the selected value of bet argument.
Tournament winner: it is offered to make bets on the winner of the tournament.
For example: The bet Qatar ExxonMobile Open winner: R. Federer. For the bet to be calculated as won R. Federer must win the tournament.
Game score 15-15: it is offered to predict if during the game the score reaches 15-15. The following betting options are available:
Game score 15-15: yes – during the game the score will reach 15-15.
Game score 15-15: no – the game score will not reach 15-15.
For example: The bet 1-st set 2-d game score 15-15: yes. For the bet to be calculated as won, the score during the 2-d game of the 1-st set must reach 15-15.
Game score 30-30: it is offered to predict if during the game the score reaches 30-30. The following betting options are available:
Game score 30-30: yes – during the game the score will reach 30-30.
Game score 30-30: no – during the game the score will not reach 30-30.
For example: The bet 2-d set 3-rd game score 30-30: no. For the bet to be calculated as won during the 3-rd game of the 2-d set the score must not reach 30-30.
First win 2 games: it is offered to predict which player will win 2 games the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
First win 2 games: player 1– player 1 will be the first who wins 2 games in the set.
First win 2 games: player 2 – player 2 will the first who wins 2 games in the set.
For example: The bet 1-st set: First win 2 games: player 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the 1-st set player 1 must win 2 games the first.
First win 3 games: it is offered to predict which player will win 3 games the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
First win 3 games: player 1– player 1 will be the first who wins 3 games in the set.
First win 3 games: player 2 – player 2 will the first who wins 3 games in the set.
For example: The bet 2-d set First win 3 games: player 2. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the second set player 2 must win 3 games the first.
First win 4 games: it is offered to predict which player will win 4 games the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
First win 4 games: player 1 – player 1 will be the first who wins 4 games in the set.
First win 4 games: player 2 – player 2 will the first who wins 4 games in the set.
For example: The bet 1-st set: First win 4 games: player 1. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the first set player 2 must win 4 games the first.
First win 5 games: it is offered to predict which player will win 5 games the first in the set. The following betting options are available:
First win 5 games: player 1– player 1 will be the first who wins 5 games in the set.
First win 5 games: player 2 – player 2 will the first who wins 5 games in the set.
For example: The bet 2-d set: First win 5 games: player 2. For the bet to be calculated as won, in the second set player 2 must win 5 games the first.
Win at least one set: it is offered to predict if the player will win in at least one set. The following betting options are available:
Win at least one set: yes – the player, on which the bet is made, will win in at least one set.
Win at least one set: no – the player, on which the bet is made, will win in none of the sets.
For example: The bet Win 2 at least one set: yes. For the bet to be calculated as won, player 2 will win in at least 1 set. E.g. if the match score is 2-1, the bet will be calculated as won, because player 2 won 1 set.
Win the match losing 1-st set: it is offered to make bet on whether the player will lose the 1-st set, but will win the match. The following betting options are available:
Win the match losing 1-st set: yes – the player, on which the bet is made, will lose the 1-st set, but will win the match.
Win the match losing the 1-st set: no – the player, on which the bet is made, will win in the 1-st set, but will lose in the match.
For example: The bet Win the match losing 1-st set player 1: yes. For the bet to be calculated as won, player 1 must loose in the 1-st set, but must win the match.
Set point/Set ball is the situation where if one of the players wins the next point, he/she will win the set. Let’s review the following two examples: Example 1 The bet Set points: Total Under (1.5) in the first set The current score of the 1-st set is 5:4, and the point score is 40:0․ Thus, if Player 1 wins the next point, he/she will win the set with the score 6:4. In this case the bet will be settled as won, as the decisive point was scored at once. However, if from 40:0 the score turns to 40:15, the bet will be settled as lost, as the decisive point was played more than once. Example 2 The bet Set points: Total Over (2.5) in the first set The current score of the1-st set is 5:4, and the point score is 40:0. After that the score turns to 40:15, then 40:30, and only after it, the Player 1 wins the decisive point and becomes the winner of the 1-st set. In this case the bet will be settled as won, as the decisive point was won from the 3-rd attempt.
Match point/ Match ball is the situation where if one of the players wins the next point, he/she will win the match. Let’s review the following two examples: Example 1 The bet Match Points: Total Under (1.5) The current score in the match is 1:1 (7:6, 2:6, 5:4), 40:0, thus if the player 1 wins the next point he/she will become the winner of the 3-rd set and consequently the winner of the match and in this case the bet will be calculated as won. However, in case the score from 40:0, becomes 40:15, the bet will be settled as lost as the decisive point was not scored at once. Example 2 The bet Match Points: Total Over (1.5) The current score in the match is 1:0 (6:2, 5:1), 40:15, thus if the player 1 wins the next point, he/she will become the winner of the match and in this case the bet will be settled as lost, as the decisive point was scored at once. However, in case from 40:15, the score will become 40:30, the bet will be settled as won, as the decisive point was played more than once.
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